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Why do I need multiple Scalp Micropigmentation sessions?

As a busy Vancouver scalp micropigmentation artist, a question I frequently receive is; “why do I need more than one SMP/ Scalp Micropigmentation session?”

In order to achieve a natural looking scalp of replicated follicles your SMP artist must take several factors into consideration such as fading, inflammation (redness during procedure) pigment retention, tone adjustment, healing time and blending.

No two scalps are the same. It takes skill to design a realistic hairline and time to build the desired density. Let’s explore this topic on a deeper level.

Scalp Micropigmentation results

To get the natural Scalp Micropigmentation results seen here (by Rob James SMP) there are many variable to take into  consideration

If for example an SMP artist told you (the client) that they could do your entire SMP in just one session, the respective smp artist is not really taking into consideration the multiple facets which usually cause fading in the coming weeks. This is due in part to the body’s own immune response. Neither are they taking into account skin flaking, due to dry or excessively oily skin. Each individuals skin chemistry varies widely so it’s impossible to tell these things without multiple sessions.

For example, I frequently see scalps loose up to 20% of the impressions in between the first session and the second session. Whilst some others might only loose 5%.


Typical fade in between 1st and 2nd session.

3rd session density

There is also the very real danger of over crowding the impressions due to limited visibility from inflammation, which causes redness of the skin. Or simply doing too much too soon, which in turn is painful for the client and painstaking for the artist, leaving too much room for tiredness and error.

Then there’s pigment tweaking, which might happen in between the multiple sessions, i.e. gradually increasing, or decreasing the pigment tone.

The ideal SMP length for most people sporting a Norwood 5,6,7 is three sessions, which are a minimum of ten days apart. Plus a final touch up two months down the road.

During that two-month period the client can get back to life as normal as the SMP fully settles.

It is the final touch up where the artist can see exactly how the scalp has taken the pigment over an extended period and can then blend any uneven areas accordingly.


A typical two month touch up session

This system of three sessions plus a touch up allows for all the uncontrollable variables and procedural necessities, such as fading, gradual density building, hairline extension, diffusion and of course the subtle final touches to maximize that realistic quality.

So in order for us to create the best-looking SMP possible the artist and the client both must practice patience.

But hopefully you will have done your homework and you will be comfortable with your chosen artist’s level of experience and knowledge on the subject.

Rob James is a highly experienced Vancouver scalp micropigmentation artist working out of advanced scalp.

He is always ready to answer any questions and give his best advice to anyone interested in SMP.

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