Vancouver Scalp Micropigmentation | Vancouver SMP | Surrey SMP | Burnaby SMP | Langley SMP | Richmond SMP


A Career in Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)

Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is a cosmetic hair restoration technique that involves tattooing micro-dots on the scalp to replicate hair follicles. Scalp Micropigmentation can be a lucrative business if the quality of your work is kept persistently high. If you are interested in becoming an SMP artist in Vancouver BC, your first step must be finding…

Does SMP Fade?

Many people are just learning about the wonders of scalp micropigmentation (SMP). The prospect of gaining their hairline back can be very exciting. However, there are a few fundamental things you should know about the procedure before embarking. And one of those things is, “does SMP fade? When done correctly by an experienced artist SMP…

5 Ways To Avoid a Bad SMP

“I’ve seen many bad SMP’s online, how do I avoid this?”   This is a question I get during consultation all too often. So, I thought I’d address this important question with a blog post.   First off, let’s make a distinction between a poorly applied SMP, one, which is full of heavily blown out areas and…

How does SMP look after years?

As one of Canada’s busiest SMP artists I consult with many potential clients on a weekly basis.  Most of the questions I answer revolve around the SMP procedure and the desired look the client wants to achieve. However, occasionally someone asks me “How will the SMP look years from now?” This is a very good…

How much does SMP cost in Vancouver?

As one of Canada’s busiest SMP artists based in Vancouver, I receive many emails each week from individuals interested in SMP. However, frequently I get email or DM’s with a simple question “How much does SMP cost?” This is a very difficult question to answer without specifics on the individual’s hair and hair loss situation.…

Is SMP better than a hair transplant?

As one of Canada’s busiest SMP artists a frequent question I receive is: “Is SMP better than a hair transplant” or “should I get SMP rather than a hair transplant?” It’s important to note SMP and a hair transplant are very different procedures with very different results, so let’s explore this topic further. Hair transplant…

How to find a Vancouver SMP Specialist

Rob James SMP As an experienced SMP artist I am frequently meeting and consulting with clients. On average, my client consultations span a huge variety of ages, needs, budgets and knowledge on the process of SMP. I always try to give un bias, helpful and clear information, in an attempt to help those thinking about…

Top five ways to find good SMP Training in Vancouver

SMP training in Vancouver Whether you are thinking about a new career or adding to your existing PMU skill set. Finding quality Scalp micropigmentation training is your first step towards success. With the rising popularity of SMP there is now a plethora of SMP artists as well as SMP trainers touting their skills. Your primary…

Top 5 ways to achieve a natural looking SMP in Vancouver

How to get natural SMP results in Vancouver Whether you’re looking for a completely new hairline or looking to add density to a thinning scalp, many people want something that does not look like they’ve had SMP. In other words, a natural looking head of short hair. But how do you know that is what…

traditional tattoo

Top Ten Reasons For Getting SMP

Beginning to understand what SMP has to offer you all at once can be extremely overwhelming. This is especially the case if you’re still weighing all of your hair loss solutions that are available to you. (If this is you, consider reading my blog post What Options Do Men Who Are Suffering From Hair Loss…

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